One major factor for the implementation of the New World Order is the control of every nation’s economy. Nathan Rothschild stated : “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” In other words, whoever controls the money, controls the nation. So how did it get to this point. Well the trojan horse for a nation and their sovereignty has always been the central bank. You may think that the central bank is a good way to manage the country’s finances. In the proper circumstances, you may have been right. Unfortunately these are not the proper circumstances. But before we delve into the central bank, we have to get a good idea of what money is and how it has been used throughout history.


Back in the old days people bartered. However this turned out to be an imperfect way of doing business due to the fact that the things people had to barter with wouldn’t garner enough interest for a successful transaction. So this led to the start of gold as being the first money. Along came a goldsmith who offered his services to keep the people’s gold safe for a nominal fee.
With this put in practice, the first bank was born.

Eventually the banker had an idea to print IOUs for the people that left their gold with the banker for safe keeping. This IOU was the first paper money but was back by gold (fiduciary currency). These IOUs turned out to be very convenient since people didn’t have to lug heavy gold around since paper money was much easier to carry. So the people left their gold in the vault of the banker had used the IOUs as money. This allowed the banker to assume possession of the people’s gold as long as no one asks for it back.

The banker started digging a deeper hole for himself by printing more and more IOUs, inflating the currency. What made this an issue was that what the banker printed was not backed by gold, giving us the very first fiat currency (a currency backed by nothing of value). Eventually people started asking for their gold back which presented a problem for the banker who did not have all of the gold to pay back. This was the first bank run.


The point of mentioning this scenario was to make you aware that what the banker of that day was doing by printing too many IOUs backed by nothing is going on in the economies of the nations today (specifically in America).

America has had three central banks throughout its lifetime. The First Bank of the United States was the America’s first central bank established in 1791 with a 20 year charter. Thomas Jefferson decided not to renew the charter which angered the Rothschild Banking Dynasty. However, another central bank was brought to America by the name of the Second Bank of the United States in 1816 after the financial devastation after the War of 1812 (funded by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty of course). This one was chartered for 20 years as well.

After the charter expired, Andrew Jackson built his whole campaign on fighting the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, almost losing his life in the process. America wouldn’t see another central bank until 1913.


Back in 1910 a group of bankers met in secret on Jekyll Island with the plan of instituting another central bank in America and got together to construct the Federal Reserve Act which would institute the Federal Reserve Bank, which is a privately-owned entity and not accountable to the American people or the U.S. Government. This would give the bankers the exclusive privilege to print America’s currency and loan it to them with interest, keeping the nation in debt. And this was the issue with the central bank. You may have thought that the central bank may have just printed the currency and gave it to the U.S. Government with no strings attached. Wrong. The sole purpose of these privately-owned central banks were to cripple the nation with a debt that would be impossible to pay off due to the interest created out thin air, causing the nation to have to declare bankruptcy, sell of its government bonds and lose its national sovereignty.

In addition to that, the currency was back by nothing of true value. As this is what a fiat currency truly is. Remember the IOUs from the first banker in history? This is no different. America’s currency is actually a debt-based currency. This is the reason why the national debt could never be paid off. It is impossible to pay off a debt with a debt. The debt would have to be discharged.

Another trojan horse of 1913 was the Internal Revenue System (IRS). There are those that think that we have always had the IRS. Again wrong. There was no income tax before 1913. The problem with the IRS is that the people were losing their purchasing power due to never having enough money due to taxes. It is important to inform you that taxes do not go to building infrastructure or any of the expenses of the nation. The money from taxes go directly to the private bankers’ pocket.

This ponzi scheme has been going on for over 100 years and will definitely not hold much longer.


What Americans need to realize is that the only reason why the U.S. Dollar is still the world reserve currency is because all other countries must purchase oil in U.S. Dollars. However, once this changes, so will the way of life of Americans. This will bring us to the second Great Depression which is sure to be a whole lot more severe than the first Great Depression due to the debt being a whole lot higher (almost $18 trillion). This also does not include America’s $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities and $1 quadrillion in derivatives.

What you must realize is that any oil rich country that tried to sell their oil without the U.S. Dollar ended up having to deal with NATO. Just ask Saddam Hussein and Mummar Gaddafi . Oh wait, you can’t.